About Amy

Amy Ackerman, residing in Kingston, NY has been surrounded by art her whole life. Being introduced to it by her father at a very young age she quickly found her own style. Although working in many different mediums Amy's main love is watercolor and more recently acrylic paint.

Awaiting the birth of her son, Amy became inspired to start "A Little Deer Co", focusing on making baby crinkle toys with her art hand painted on them. Fabric painting led her to explore painting her expressions on wood, giving her the freedom to create artwork large and small. Since becoming a mother, ideas abound for her company and paintings she plans to do next.

Always working from her heart, her past, present and the world around her, her art ranges from gentle and loving, dark and sad, to just plain angry, using nature as a foundation in almost all of them. Amy has effortlessly perfected painting these feelings in a way the viewer can relate while simply doing art for herself and the love of it.
